I've Fallen

>> Monday, November 14, 2005

I've fallen.

I'm not sure that I want to stand up.

Tonight I watched Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. I LOVE that movie. It is so increadibly amazing. I feel like Anakin sometimes, but then I realize that I have never had the sort of passion that he displays in every instant, that is right up until the end when his heart breaks and he is filled only with anger...and even then he has more passion than I do.

I'm reminded of a movie: "All that anger is going to burn you up someday." "It keeps me warm." Points to whomever can name the movie. I should watch that again.

I've been running for quite some time now, running from a 55 year old man with a stigmatism in a suit. I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want to have to see him. I didn't want to talk about it. But I got trapped into, I wasn't going to go, I wasn't going to tell the truth, I wasn't going to try again.

God have mercy on my soul, it's going to need it.

-(Asmond's real name here)


ambrosia ananas Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 10:41:00 AM GMT-7  

Hey. I don't know what's going on, but if you want to talk, I'm up for it. Or if you just want some ice cream, I can easily be guilt-tripped into buying food almost any time. (Ice cream is the solution to nearly anything, I think.)

You haven't really seemed yourself the last couple times I've been over. Wasn't sure if you were just having a bad day or if I'd offended you (if I have offended you, I apologize).

Anyway, on your post--I don't know what's up, but if the man in the suit is either of the people I think he could be, I encourage you to pick yourself up and stop running away. I've been doing some running of my own for a while, and the not-in-a-suit man has convinced me that I have to go and deal with the man in a suit. I suspect that things are going to be pretty miserable for a while, but I'm banking on the hope that between all these mens, I'll be able to get things sorted out. So yeah. Hope that you can get your stuff sorted out, too. Because if yours has been anything like mine, well, it sucks.

Kiki Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 2:00:00 PM GMT-7  

It was nice to see you at the library. We should hang out sometime and play Starcraft. Because we haven't done that yet.

Jokey Smurf Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 7:20:00 AM GMT-7  

Well, I know what's going on, and I hope you do stand up again. C'mon little buddy. The race isn't over yet, and you're not going to get to the finish line down there on your ass. Let me know what I can do to help. I make a good babysitter.

Jokey Smurf Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 7:21:00 AM GMT-7  

Hmm, just reread what I said, and it sounds like you're going to have a baby. But i know you're not. But maybe other people might think that, and so they are dumb.

JB Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 12:57:00 PM GMT-7  

Men in suits? Scary. I'm running from the men in white coats...

Brozy's right when she says that: Ice cream is the solution to nearly anything. It is. Take her up on that one, dude!

And good luck. Sounds like a tricky situation, but I hope it goes well for you.

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