Fringe Walking

>> Thursday, November 17, 2005

I love fringe walking.

What is fring walking you ask? I'll tell you, fringe walking is when you are in a large group of people walking in two different directions at the same time. If you don't want to go the same speed as everyone else you have to walk on the fringe.

There is an art to walking on the fringe, I've seen people try...and I've seen them fail horribly and every now and again you see an expert, someone who just seems to leap forward ahead of the crowd. They are graceful, amazing and throughly entrancing to watch. And if I say so myself, I'm one of the best of 'em.

I weave, and dip and dash and dart. No one can come in my way as I run through the middle of the crowd, the edge of the people going my way the edge of the people going the opposite, one wrong step and I could land myself some serious bruises as I get myself trampled by hundreds of eager students on their way to class. But I've never fallen, never been hit hard enough to send me reeling, bouncing back and forth between the relentless hoards of people all keeping a careful foot apart from each other to the front and back and four inches to either side.

It's those four inches that I work, four to one side, four on the other, you can push people to give you an extra eight inches, totally 12, just enough to push your way through. And I love doing it. It makes me feel alive, knowing I'm that close to death...I can't wait for tomorrow...when I can run the fringes again.


Anonymous Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 10:34:00 AM GMT-7  

I hate the word "eager." It's like drinking milk...or rather, chocolate milk.

Jokey Smurf Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 11:16:00 AM GMT-7  

Are you employing metaphor? Or am I reading too much into this? You intellectual tpes, I swear....

Panini Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 4:02:00 PM GMT-7  

What a thinker you are...and a fun post!

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