>> Sunday, July 03, 2005

Well, here goes a very large amount of making Asmond look silly.

I did one of those, "First, Last, Current." type deal-i-os the other day, and here are some of the questions: First girl you kissed. Well, it was: A. Last girl you kissed...yeah, still A. First Girlfriend; A. Last Girlfriend A. Last time you made out...never.

So, it all pretty much boiled down to this inevitable fact: I've only had one girlfriend ever...and we broke up five years ago. Why is this? I'm not quite sure. It's not as if I haven't liked girls...'cause I have. The problem arises in my follow through. I like several girls, but I don't have the follow through ability. I've gotten to know them to the point that I think to myself...nah. Take the current options. Vanessa is cool, but, just nothing there. Katie is cool, but...yeah, there are some problems with that one. And the rest? Well, they are all about the same level as Katie.

What is my problem? Why do I have such a hard time settling on a girl? I mean there are plenty of nice ones out there... I'd like to date around get to know a girl or two, get my heart broken a time or two. The problem? Well, now that I've come home from my mission I feel like my next girlfriend HAS to be my wife. She doesn't, and rationally I realize this, but something deep inside of me keeps telling me that my next girlfriend is going to be marriable material. Is that too high of a standard to keep? Am I even ready for marriage? The answer to both is a resounding...maybe. I would like to get out there and date some...but I feel as though society has forced me into a point where I can no longer just date for fun, but that I am forced to find the girl that I can live with for the rest of my life.

And at a fairly young age, I'm only 22. the same time I'm forced to take on a role that I don't think I'm ready for. I don't know what I want in a girl, how can I? I mean...I've only ever had one girlfriend...Ahh shoot. Anyway, I'm just a little frustrated. I want to have some 'fun' relationships. But I just don't feel like that's possible anymore. And I'm quite sad about that innocence lost. I missed out on a wonderful time in High School/Freshman year when I could have gone out and dated all of these girls and not had to worry about what they thought, not had to worry about getting married and settling down, buying a minivan and having 2.5 kids and a dog. Not have to worry about supporting those kids through college and then seeing them get married and moving out and having grand kids and paying for the weddings and having them go on missions and serving faithfully.

Wow...random tangent. Anyway, I think life is good now, and I've gotten that off of my chest. But does anyone else feel this way? I hate it! oh...and if you're a girl, and you're cute, and you read this...I'm accepting dating applications...non-serious applicants only please.



Gregory Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 3:16:00 PM GMT-7  

Well chico, who says you can't date for fun right now? Sure your next big life-changing goal as considering religion would be to get married, but why not have fun along the way. And if you don't know what you want and need in a wife yet, fun dating often is the way to find out; you learn something from each girl. Well, I guess I should stop there because I sound like a bishop at a youth standards night, and I don’t want that. It’s good that life is going well for you though.

Anonymous Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 2:48:00 PM GMT-7  

I've noticed the pressure as well, Asmond. But don't worry about what you think you "should" or "need" to be doing according to society and its views on marriage... when you are ready, and when Heavenly Father sees fit, He will help you get there on His time. For now, just see what's out there!! You are so young! If you regret not dating a lot your freshman year, imagine what getting married this early in the game will do to you. Scary huh!?

Wiggle Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 9:37:00 AM GMT-7  

Oh my Heck! Ever since I been home here in NM, that's all I here, "why aren't you married?" "Are you dating anyone?" "Whay are you not dating anyone?" Oh please! I don't want to get married right now. I would tell them. "Why not?" "what's wrong with you?" Question after question, it is driving me crazy!! People don't realize how personal thoes questions are. I hate it and it kind of makes me angry. Anyway, I kind of know what you are going through. Just ignore it and everything will be just fine. And just have fun while you still can.

Anonymous Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 3:37:00 PM GMT-7  

Well, I definitely think you ought to post a picture on your site, if this is turning into a "finding non-serious girls" blog. However will we know if you're cute enough to want to go out with otherwise? Not that looks are everything...but who's being serious here?

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