>> Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sometimes I think I am my own worst enemy.

I look at the world around me and keep hoping for a girlfriend or a wife, why? Not because I want a family or anything like that...I just want to share my life with someone. I want someone who I like for who they are. Someone who will let me talk their ears off, who I can get mad at and they won't walk away. I want someone who will make me shed the tears I hide. I want someone who will be there for me when I want them, and when I don't. Someone I can talk to, and who will talk to me. I want to be part of someone else's life on a level where there are no secrets, I want to be able to wake up in the morning excited to talk to them, to hear what they have to say, and to share with them my dream, or my thought.

I've never had many close friends, never really met anyone who I can just talk to. I've always felt like I was on the outside of the shop looking in. Never included but always kinda there...Hovering around the edges. But I've always wanted to be inside. That's why I do some of the things I do, goad people into saying things, and doing things. Not because I dislike them, or think less of the,m, but because I want them to take notice of me...to call me up and ask to hang out sometime. I want them to call me out of the blue just to say hello, share some stupid story about spitting out the car and hitting your leg. And then go on with the rest of my day being reminded of them every time I look at that weird stain on my pants.

I can't remember where I heard this, and I know the quote isn't quite right but....

"The only universal human condition is loneliness."

I think it was while I was watching scrubs... In fact I know it is... when JD realizes that his Dad is just another guy, struggling to make it through life, a guy who sleeps on his couch when he comes to visit because he can't afford a hotel. A guy who goes off to visit an old friend not because he wants to see him, but because he might be able to sell him something, and he really needs to sell something.

I suppose one of these days I'll get over it, either in this life or the next, but I sure hope it comes soon.



Anonymous Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 4:26:00 PM GMT-7  

Wow. You seem to good to be true. I wish there were more guys out there who were willing to admit what you did. Don't worry, a girl is out there waiting for you and when you find her you two will be the happiest couple in the entire world. I just wish I could find someone like you... that would be wonderful.

Gregory Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 6:48:00 PM GMT-7  

Um, well if you're both single... I'm sure you'll find someone to share your life with, and the things you want from that person don't seem so far fetched. I think that's what most if not all people want in a meaningful relationship. Buck up. Things always get better.

Morgan Friday, July 29, 2005 at 6:37:00 AM GMT-7  

Oh dear--
Don't be down! It happens at different times for different people. School will start soon, and things will be better because you won't have as much time to linger. Don't worry, be happy! You're an AWESOME guy! (PS, Lindsey really wants to get married too. . .hmn. . . )

SkyBluePink Tuesday, August 2, 2005 at 8:51:00 PM GMT-7  

"Loneliness is the universal problem of rich people."
Joan Collins

Is that what you meant?

Here's my favorite quote about being lonely:

"When we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most."
Ronald Anthony

You'll find someone, eventually, that will need you just as much as you need her. No worries. :)

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