
>> Thursday, September 08, 2005

A cry runs through the night,
"Father, I do not have the strength."
The silence whispers back,
Intangible caresses.
The heart once sealed is open,
The heart once safe can be broken.

"Forgive me my fears."
Horse voices in the dark.
A grimace to the world,
A smile unveiled.
The child held back-loosed,
The child held close.

Empty sobs breaking shafts of light,
"Help me remember."
A soul on the gusts of time,
Seeking hope long forgotten.
The mind set afire by a thought,
The mind set on a course.

"I will do, I will go, I will be."



Gregory Thursday, September 8, 2005 at 9:52:00 PM GMT-7  

Wow Asmond. I really like that. I think I'm going to start a collection of my friends poems. I can think of a few times where I would have written such things; but seeing how poetry is art and, art is objective, I could be all wrong.

Krystal Friday, September 9, 2005 at 10:23:00 PM GMT-7  

I would love to hear this aloud. Poems with this power behind them, the emphasis doesn't seem to convey as much of the power until the writer expresses it.
You rock Asmond, beautiful work.

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