Not really alone

>> Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The following came as I thought about D&C 19:18. The Lord in his Godhood, was able to do something no other mortal could have, he survived the complete withdrawal of the his Father's spirit. O, what pain that must have been. For one who had never sinned, who had never in all his life done anything deserving of the absence of the Most High... to be alone as no other mortal ever could be. Is there any wonder he was in "an agony?" Is there any wonder that he prayed more earnestly? To be cut off from all the light in the world. To experience, for a moment, perdition. And he survived this his final trial with such elegance. Is it any wonder that he trembled? How could he possibly love me so much to be worth that?

In these my dark hours
When alone I wander.

Walking down the streets,
Silence my only companion.
Surrounded by this human sea,
My heart longs for some connection.

In these my dark hours
When alone I wander.

Skin pulsing with the ache,
To feel another's touch.
The part of me deep inside,
that dies when lovers touch.

In these my dark hours
When alone I wander.

But not really alone,
You've been there throughout.
Unable to hold my hand,
You supported my heart.

In these my dark hours,
No longer alone to wander.


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