This Just In:

>> Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Natural Selection Dooms Humanity to Stone Age!

While working in the pharmacy section of the evil store that I work at the other day I encountered a strange sight(not for the faint of heart in fact... don't follow most of these links.). A gaggle of young native Georgian woman. Now, I was in the pharmacy section of the store. Do you know what is in the pharmacy section of the store? Things a single LDS male need not think about. This group of young women ( probably 15-17 in age ) were followed around by two hoodlum looking young men of the same age. They of course followed at a discreet distance, but made occasional remarks and were talked about... Anyway, they were looking for a pregnancy test. Of course they glanced about and finally chose to pick the cheapest one, after all results don't really matter. Then they grabbed some condoms. I personally should have thought the condoms be purchased long ago.

Natural selection is Darwin's theory that allowed for evolution. Basically the strong and smart survive long enough to reproduce.

So here is the problem: Humanity has eliminated ( except to a very small degree ) the process of natural selection in our reproductive cycles. Just about anyone can live to be old enough to reproduce, you don't have to be strong, you don't have to be smart. In fact, the smart ones prevent child birth completely. (I tired to do some research on this... but it took too much time/effort so I'll say that it may or may not be true... but it FEELS true.) Now with notable exceptions the more educated you are the fewer children you have (another one of those feels true things.)

So... how are these things related? If you equate money with being smart or strong, and poor people have more children. These are the same people that left to fend for themselves by providing food and shelter, would have died. So, we've eliminated natural selection from humanity. So what? I probably wouldn't be around if I had to provide for myself... I may be smart but I'm not strong.

However, I have noticed another trend in Americans. We like to marry people who are like us. Physically, mentally and spiritually. So smart people marry smart people, strong people marry strong people. Eventually we become morlocks and eloi. Gosh, I wish I could think up some sort of original thought. Stupid H.G. Wells came up with this blog YEARS ago. Only 'better.'

Oh well, moral of the story, you smart people, marry strong people and have smart, strong kids.

The end.


Morgan Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 8:56:00 AM GMT-7  

shoot dang.

so, the smart should prevail at some point?

And, when are you moving back?

Krystal Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 3:25:00 PM GMT-7  

*gasp* you work at walmart?! at least it's in the pharmacy and not like a cashier or something

Braden Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 9:13:00 PM GMT-7  

I.Q. tends to regress toward the societal norm from the average of the parents' intelligence, actually.

Gregory Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 10:01:00 PM GMT-7  

I'm afraid what you have said is true. Good thing Jesus will come back before it gets too much worse. You know that is my hope for everything. Sun burning out, icecaps melting, fossil fuels running out. Whatever, the second coming is happening first. Yes, that makes me feel better, sorta.

Th. Friday, December 7, 2007 at 12:52:00 PM GMT-7  


That's what I did!

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