
>> Saturday, April 01, 2006

I sometimes wonder how long it would take for someone to notice I was gone.

I live a transient life, here a few days, there a few days. I think I could go at least three and have no one even realize I was missing. My room-mates would assume I was at home, my parents would assume I was at my appartment, Jason would think me busy. Would anyone else care? Would they notice? Maybe people would assume I just hadn't logged on in a while... I really think I could make at least three days without anyone noticing. Maybe I'll try that, see what people think.

Yes, I think I shall.

What a depressing thought.


Morgan Sunday, April 2, 2006 at 12:42:00 AM GMT-7  


Don't even say that. You know people would notice. And don't try it either. I'll be forced to call you.


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