What I should be doing...

>> Saturday, February 28, 2009

I know I SHOULD be in bed right now... here is a list of all the other things I should be doing...

Writing a letter to Spain.
Dreaming about d'Artagnan.
Pondering more fully the meaning of Mormon 2:13.
My midterm/final for IT251(a).
Stop A.
My CS235 project due Thursday.
My IT210 project due Wednesday.
The five(ish) C programs I need to turn in for IT251.
Cleaning Checks.
Stop B.
Planning a date for tomorrow(today), since my group canceled on me.
Asking out Retreat girl.
Writing a second letter to Spain.
Reading my homework for my religion course.
My taxes.
Stop C.
Writing an email to B.Harmon.
Go to bed.
Watch the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Get D.
Ask out Super.
Make a decision one way or the other on that one.
Pick a pony and ride.
Find an apartment to live in for the next year.
Make this into a ul.
Learn how to use a UML diagram program for state machines.
Finish that lab write up.

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