
>> Wednesday, January 18, 2006

First off, a shameless plug. Watch the movie, if you know me and you haven't seen it, call me up and ask to watch it with me. I LOVE this movie. I watched it tonight, and it will be the cause of me staying up faaar too late...but I'm okay with that. If you haven't seen it, stop reading now. Call me up, and watch it before proceeding with the rest of this post.



Now, for the part of the post that I really wanted to write. This is going to be a conglomeration of things from both the devotional on Tuesday (quite awesome by the way) to the watching of the movie tonight.

We are often found looking in another direction, away from the goal, the destination in life that we have. In the movie there are two main characters, Jerome and Vincent. Jerome by all standards should be the best at all that he does, he was genetically engineered to be that way. Vincent on the other hand...was not. Who in this story does everyone want to be? Vincent. Because he has something that Jerome does not, that cannot be given to us, he has a gift that cannot be hard-coded into our double helix. Vision. Dreams. Aspirations. Vincent sees a world where everything can be made possible, Jerome sees a world where everything is possible.

Suddenly Jerome discovers that there is something that he, 'isn't made for' that happens. He gets a silver medal. In an instant Jerome's world falls apart. Vincent never had a world, until he makes it.

I'm not sure where I'm getting at here, the worth of a vision, the inherent nature of driven people. I'm not quite sure. But I do know that I want to be more like Vincent--I want to be someone who dreams. "I got the better end of the bargain, I lent you my body, you lent me your dream."

If I could only be as passionate about one thing...



Tolkien Boy Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 11:21:00 AM GMT-7  

Start off with belly-button lint and work your way up. Belly-button lint is very easy to be passionate about.

I like what you say, though, about having a vision and a desire to see the world right. I am lacking that, too, lately.

Jokey Smurf Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 3:48:00 PM GMT-7  

I don't need to see that movie any more. It's my favorite movie, but I think I've seen it enough that I can quote the whole thing. But if you ever anna just pop it in just for fun, let's do it....

Krystal Saturday, January 28, 2006 at 7:45:00 PM GMT-7  

that movie is on my list of top 5, ever since I watched it in biology in high school

Th. Friday, March 3, 2006 at 12:57:00 AM GMT-7  


Ah, passion. I wish to be a lepidopterist or a philatelist or a ... something. To irrationally love something like that....

I'm probably better off this way though....

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