The Past Week

>> Monday, March 21, 2005

Well, it's been a bit! I'll just catch up on what has happened this past little bit: Nothing. And I blame it all on everyone else.

You see this all started on Tuesday. Cue dream sequence..............

*The screen grows all fuzzy and then fades back into focus on last Tuesday*

"Novel! I really want to go buy The Sims 2. And I'm tempted to skip the devotional and buy it!" "Go for it." " sure?" "Yes, buy it, buy it buy it!" "Will you come with me?" "Sure I'll hold your hand Asmond..." " it is...I want it so bad...but I know it will ruin my life." "Don't worry about it, just buy it." "Okay...lets go meet Smurfs and J!" "Hey..." *talks to about five random people whom I knew from previous life spans before J shows up.* "J! Where is Smurfs?" "I dunno, he is twenty minutes late though..." "Hey, there is a girl from my Japanese Class, I could give her the stuff to turn it in and then I could go home and play the Sims...." "Do it Asmond!" "But I really kinda need to go to Japanese..." "ASMOND, GO PLAY THE SIMS!"

Okay, so that's how it's Novel and J's fault. It's Smurfs fault because he wasn't there to tell me not to purchase the game, and then he wasn't there to tell me I should go to my class. Let me think...who else can I blame... Oh, it's *insert name of friend from HS*'s fault, he is the one who let me play it the first time! Hum...It's Uffish's fault because she has red hair, and I can blame her for anything, she's the perfect red-head-ed-step-child.

You may, or may not have guessed that I've been playing a lot of Sims 2 lately. Soon I'm going to get a screen shot of my Sim: Asmond, and put it up on here for you all to see, he looks fairly close to me... But in all reality...I have actually gone out and done things lately. I went out both last night and the night before actually! I'm proud of myself. I even met Serendipity, and stole her lip gloss ( I think she lost it in my car...but still!) And I did my, 'work' on Saturday, washed the car(stupid rain), prepared my lesson and actually did some homework. I'm proud of myself for all of those things.

Now, to take a test tomorrow and finish the two papers due next Thursday. Ahh, gotta love procrastination. But I think after this I only have one more big project and then finals! Woo! Life is good, my friends are cool...and I am happy.

Lessons to be learned from simming:

1. There are some actions that just shouldn't be available until you know someone really well.
2. You have to practice at something to become good at it.
3. If you don't do your homework you don't get as much money.
4. You have to make time for your friends otherwise you'll just end up doing what is nessessary and not having any fun.
5. Never eat food that has been left out for longer than about 10 days.
6. Girlfriends don't like it when you make out with other girls infront of them.
7. Aliens really are real. And they can get Men pregnant.
8. Telescopes give you logic, Piano's give you creativity, TV's give you fun, Food makes you happy and expresso makes you p**.
9. If you don't get sleep bad things start to happen.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed your little Sim lessons in life, till next time...enjoy!

- Asmond


Novel Concept Monday, March 21, 2005 at 11:56:00 PM MST  

For the record, there was no offer of hand-holding in our conversation...I just told you that it'd be ok to buy your game.

Unknown Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 9:58:00 AM MST  

Of course there wasn't. I wasn't implying that you and I were holding hands. But rather that you were willing to, like a child, 'walk me across the street.' I'm not sure if that even makes sense, but it was kinda the idea that you would do the...anyway, I'm confusing myself now so...yeah, sorry, we didn't actually hold hands it was a figure of speech.

Krista Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 3:07:00 PM MST  

Also, my parents are currently happily married to each other. My hair only works for the purposes of coolness, not scapegoatness.

Jokey Smurf Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 3:35:00 AM MST  

Throw that game away, Asmond. You are a fool for having bought it, and it has begun to consume your life.

Braden Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 10:07:00 AM MST  

Hehe, p**. Worried about being shut down? =)

Kiki Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 12:54:00 PM MST  

Ahhhhh. The joys of the Sims 2. I love the game. Fortunately, I am not currently addicted, but that could change this summer when I have nothing to do. And I loved the list of things you learning from Simming.

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