Summer Plans

>> Monday, April 04, 2005

So, life has been hectic for a bit now...and I've finally decided what I'm going to do this summer. You see, I'm going to be in Michigan. Yup, Michigan. And, because of that move, I also got a cell phone. So, those are two great things that have happened to me in the last little bit. I didn't think I'd like having a cell phone, but now that I can text my good buddies at school. Life has gotten much more interesting. People can actually get ahold of me and people have actually tried. It's amazing!

So, I like my little black and gray box. It is comefortable. I like my new job. I like life as it is. Even if I have tons of homework and I need to turn in my two weeks notice and find an appartment for next year, I just bought a car. So that is another good thing. Oie, this is such a strange congolmoration of info. I don't really have a coherent thought right now, I'm mostly just trying to do everything so that I can actually survive. Life is rushing by far too quickly with too many decisions that require thought and not enough time to think about. But everything seems to be falling into place and feeling right. I guess I don't need to be in control, I just need to be moving. That reminds me of a quote a lady said in conference once and if I was lazy enough I'd find the reference but...she was talking about her pioneer ancestors and said she had a great something pa, who converted to the church with his wife and came from England to America. His wife and sons died on the plains. He stopped writing in his journal for a bit, and when he came back to it he said, "Still moving." I think that's about it.


Jokey Smurf Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 3:38:00 PM MST  

Michigan!? what the-- Who said you could move to Michigan? And why?

Wiggle Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 5:20:00 PM MST  

I'm with smurf on this one. That is just crazy!

VenerableRyo Wednesday, April 6, 2005 at 7:37:00 PM MST  

Michigan isn't so bad, it's not too far from where I live. Although I do hear that there are quite a few rednecks... just don't give in to the mullet. I don't care who you ask, a mullet is ALWAYS bad.

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