Five Things minus One
>> Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Well, now that my crazy hectic week is over, and I've managed to take a little time for myself to recoup. I figured I'd send a post out into the cosmos, so for that perrty little red-head that I promised to post and to all the other people who have been bugging me about not writing goes.
First off I'd like to talk about my friend. This is my best friend, the kid that I would do anything for. We were friends in Jr. High and just got better as we entered into High School and life in general. We've always been there for each other to make sure the other one isn't screwing up too much. Well, He was supposed to be getting married this weekend. He isn't, and indeed he isn't even together with the girl anymore. All that happened since Valentines Day. Why am I talking about this? Anyway, I'm excited that he isn't getting married so we can still play but I'm still really sad that he has to go through the heartbreak. I wish I could help him more.
Well part of that is that this past weekend was supposed to be his Bachelor party, well, the wedding was already called but we decided to have the party anyway. It was a few nights up at his Cabin in the Uintahs. And for the first time in my life I got to ride a snow mobile. HOLY SHASTA! That is soooo fun. To go flying over a a perfectly white ground at 70 miles an hour... Yeah, that was fun.
There is also the dating problems. I have this insanely bad habit of liking a girl for about four days. And then...nothing. I don't understand this, is it because I don't see them and lose interest because the interest was based solely on looks or is it just that I don't know the girls very well and when I do get to know them I don't like them anymore. Anyway really quite frustrating I just want to skip this whole finding part and go straight to the married part. At least then I knew she likes me.
Well, I already talked about my homework and how increadibly much I had this past week...Most of that was my own fault for procrastinating though, so I can't complain. And I'm getting really tired, I only got about two hours of sleep last I'm going to go to bed now. I hope everyone is having a blast of a day. Seeya laters.
Aww, goshthanks. I actually picked five because that was the number of things you had listed earlier that you said you needed to blog about. I forget what all they were, though.
Speaking of strange things about liking people, I'm the opposite. I currently not like someone I used to like, and I still get nasty little butterflies in my stomach when I see him, and if my ears could swivel, they'd swivel in the direction of that guy's voice. Nasty, nasty. There's even one kid I liked for, what was it, three, four years? I finally realized a couple years ago that I don't know him anymore to like him, but his name is still synonymous with an 'awwww.' Gross, gross. Like my spelling.
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