Seeing Pain

>> Tuesday, December 09, 2008

So, when I look at people I can see their pains. I've gotten pretty good at identifying the sources of these pains, and can usually tell you the things a person struggles with. Some people are better at hiding it than others, but for the most part, I have a large degree of empathy.

For this reason, in High School, I decided to stop feeling. As a teenager I was confused by my own emotions, let alone everyone around me. It wasn't a very happy experience. So I stopped feeling.

As I have gotten older, I've tried very hard to feel again, as I do so, I discover that I can feel other people's pain again. But there is a catch, for those girls whom I like, it doesn't work. I cannot use this gift for my own personal gain, I can only use it for others. This is particularly annoying when I like a girl and she seems to like me... but there is a 'concern' as we used to call it in the mission field. Also, it makes it very difficult for me to hate people, that is really annoying, because how can you hate someone when you can see how much pain they are in?

Sorry, venting. I told the girl I like, that I like her (my exact words were, "emotionally attached") and she said, "I kinda already knew that." What the heck does that mean? I'm so used to just understanding that this is driving me crazy, I can't for the life of me understand what's going on in her head. Help me please.



Unknown Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 12:11:00 PM MST  

Probably means she knew you were in like with her. So if she still chooses to do stuff w/ you while she knows you are in like w/ her, that is most likely a good thing. Either that or she likes your roommate and will continue to do things with you because you are the one pursuing, and then she'll realize that she is also in like with you, not your roommate, right when you decide that it's just not going to work out.
you pick which one you'd prefer.

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