>> Saturday, December 20, 2008
I'm at my best friend's cabin. I can't recall if I've talked about the cabin on here before or not... but it's pretty dang amazing. I'm one of the only people here who doesn't really care a whit for football, but they are currently watching the BYU game. Seems like they are enjoying themselves, so I can't really complain.
I had an opportunity this afternoon to sit and wait at the gate while a car was coming up so that I could let them in and then shuttle their belongings and them up past the point where cars cannot go and snowmobiles are the only means of transportation. As I sat there for... oh, it probably ended up being somewhere near 45 minutes I had an opportunity to think about a lot of things. Particularly the beauty of the world around me. As I thought about that, and the fact that I am not likely to see Eve again for quite some time.
I know I haven't talked about Eve... she's a girl who I have been on many dates with recently. She is leaving for Spain at the end of the month and is at home until then. Hopefully I'll be able to visit her sometime during the break but if not... I miss her a lot.
She's one of the most stellar people I have ever met, gorgeous, intelligent and funny. I spent most of the past three weeks in her company and she is the point of the post prior to this one. The thing that makes me like Eve the most is that she makes me want to be a better person. It's hard to imagine why she seems to like me back but it amazes me every time she looks at me and smiles or reaches across to touch me.
This isn't going to be about Eve, but her presence in my head helps to make this place a paradise, an Eden for which I am thankful to God.
wow, if i sat outside these days for 45 minutes the only thing i would be thinking would be "cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, can't feel my feet, can't feel my ears, cold cold cold"
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