Asmond Evoloution

>> Friday, December 07, 2007

Alright, sorry this has taken so long, a pictographic history of Asmond with strange comments interspersed.

Asmond as a newborn. Please note the belly button. This disproves many false traditions concerning my birth.

Asmond as a slightly less new, newborn. Prior to my ability to walk. Dang straight, how many of YOUR kids could support their own weight/balance before they could walk?

Heck, I was even CUTE once... It was a long time ago.

I was taught at an early age to ignore my hair being all crazy like. I kinda like it.

Remember what I said about the hair... yeah.

Ahh, sweet birthday pictures. Apparently I was mostly photographed on my birthday. I think my parents were scared of how awesome their child was.

I know you aren't supposed to have favorite sisters... but who cares? This is mine. Also, I have no idea what was in my mouth.

I had such a mischievous grin... I'm sure that's gone now.

Ahh SANTA! I look giddy. I was giddy once... weird.

The proof that I was once athletic; and my little sister was cute.


Krystal Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 12:48:00 PM MST  

awww. . .little asmond!

Th. Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 4:16:00 PM MST  


Okay, so it's just my work computer.

I'll have to try and see the pictures later....

Unknown Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 7:08:00 PM MST  

They're cute. 'cause I'm not humble about how cute I was. Am... slightly different, was, oh yeah.

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