>> Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tonight I re-accquanticed myself with Panini, awesome blog. It was one of those moments when worlds colide and you are left wondering what the heck happened to your life. Panini you see, was my TA my freshman year. I think she was a Junior at the time and is older, and taller than myself.

We, with a much smaller group of people than were supposed to go, went to watch Serenity. We got to the theater and Panini asks, "Is this a Sci Fi movie?" *nod* "We should watch Flight Plan." I had two problems with this. First, I'd read a review about it earlier that day and had no interest in watching it, at all. Second, knowing that I don't enjoy movies that the people I watch them with don't enjoy, I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it as much this time around. BUT, I'd paid to see this movie, and it just felt slightly morally wrong to just walk into flight plan even if 3/5 people didn't enjoy the movie very much.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about a lot of things, what the world is all about and how I'm supposed to fit into it all.

If I walked away today,
would it matter?
If I forgot to wake up tomorrow,
what would happen?
If I changed my choice yesterday,
would I still be alone?

When tomorrow comes will I be there?
When yesterday made it's mark did I contribute?
When today is over will I have made a difference?

Why did yesterday pass away,
leaving me with it's husk?
Why did today come around,
knowing that it's too late to fix?
Why did tomorrow pass between my fingers,
slipping through too fast to keep.

I think that's about it for tonight, I'll play around with that poem a bit later I'm sure. Sleep must needs come, too much thinking.

-Asmond Woodruff


Panini Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 10:56:00 AM MST  

Ah! World's colliding! ;) And what have you done with your life young Jedi?
True that I have no qualms about switching movies in a theatre...of course only if there's open seats available...but they get the $ and if the seats aren't needed, in my head it very much evens out.
Glad you liked the movie...but I might have to blog today in the opposite. :)
So nice to (briefly) meet Ambrosia and Bawb!

JB Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 2:02:00 PM MST  

Panini, how we adore you! :)

Asmond, I've always been anti-movie hop but only one kind and that is when people pay for one movie and then go see two or more. That's ripping off the theater. However, if you pay for a movie and then decide you don't like it, going to see another movie is just messing with their inventory and I, personally, would feel no remorse over it. However, I don't begrudge you your higher moral standards.

Unknown Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 4:46:00 PM MST  

Ahh, but you see the theatre doesn't get the money. 90% of your ticket price goes to the film-makers. So when you switch movies, you're giving money to film-makers that you didn't want to twatch their film. And not giving it to people who 'deserve' it.

JB Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 5:24:00 PM MST  

So, if you really hated a movie would you have your ticket changed over? Or would you walk out and just "swallow" the money you spent on it?

Jokey Smurf Monday, December 12, 2005 at 4:20:00 AM MST  

If you leave a movie in the first twenty minutes, you can get a refund. If you see a movie after it's been in theatres for two weeks, it doesn't matter whether you theatre hop, because the filmmakers only collect that 90% during the opening two weeks. After that, the money goes to the theatre itself, and the theatre pays a flat licensing fee. So do NOT "hop" into a thatre that is showing a new realease. That is indeed ripping someone off. That is the reason the theatres say "no passes allowed" on all movies that are in their first two weeks. As far as the dollar theatre is concerned, then it looks like the girls are right on this one. That money is not going to the makers of either movie.

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