The Pass and Peek
>> Monday, January 31, 2005
I’m going to tell a story, it’s not really a story but I’m drawing from hundreds of real stories just like it. This is a story…about a girl named…uhm okay--do over.
While driving down the road today I happened to see a Camery drive up next to me…Hum, sorry the story is already unbelievable. So I catch up to this Camery and as I pass it on the right I glance over to check out the driver. The funny thing is, the driver has turned to send an eye my way. Now, as soon as we see the other person look at us we look away. And keep driving, a huge smile on our face and the thought, “I saw you checking me out…” dancing across our neurons. Don't even try to deny the fact that you've done this, we all know better, we've all been watching!
Now, the question I have is…WHY? Why do we look away? I mean the reason we look is because we are hoping to find someone attractive in the car next to us, but as soon as said attractive girl looks our way…we turn away! Why? Why is our culture so incredibly gun shy of letting other people know we think they are attractive?
Nine times out of ten, if I found out a girl likes me I start to reciprocate those feelings, I talk about her with me mates, I think about her as I walk from the MARB to the HFAC comparing her against all of the girls I see as I walk past…So, the question is why are we afraid to let someone know we are interested in them? What is the unspoken rule? Are we all so afraid of being hurt that we aren’t willing to take a chance? I mean, if we were willing to suffer the consequences, sure we’d have a lot more pain, but we would be LIVING! Instead of sulking around doing some sort of crazy mating ritual of asking your friends to ask her friends to ask her if she likes you. Why the guessing game? Why not just come out and say, “Hey, you’re cute, would you like to go do ______ Friday Night?”
I have determined to do this, the next girl I ask out, the next time I’m in my Physical Science class those poor little freshmen girls won’t know what hit them. I will testify of their beauty and then follow up with a commitment for them to uncover that beauty in some social setting. And then I will again testify that what they are doing is correct and will lead them closer to a temple marriage.
Man, I don't read very many people's blogs, but yours is one I will not miss. That was hilarious, man. I do a different thing. I stare at people and don't look away, no matter whether they're attractive or old or with their spouses or whatever. I just like to be the weird stranger in other people's water-cooler stories. Oh, and I completely agree about the dating ritual. God help those freshmen, Asmond.
I second J. Freshman girls really don't know what to think when an RM asks them out. I think its a mixture between being frightened and feeling proud for being asked on a date.
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