Dance, Dance Revolution
>> Saturday, January 29, 2005
Today was a rather good day. Life was simple and I enjoyed every moment of it. It all began with a wonderful jaunt downstairs for a bit of breakfast. Well, before I got to breakfast I noticed a Book that I'd been reading. I picked up said book and began where I had left off. A mere 4 hours later, breakfast forgotten, lunch delayed and my mind thoroughly satisfied. I closed the book. After that I decided it would be a good time for some food, so downstairs I went again(I'd managed to wander up to my bedroom to read). Looking around I found naught that appeared exciting except a can of the delicious Campbell's creation, Spaghetti O's.
Re-entering the kitchen and plopping the orange-red contents of the can into a bowl I heated it up and enjoyed a tasty confection of fake pasta, cheese, and tomato sauce. Then it was on to some Physical Science homework. Unfortunately since I was trying to do homework, people actually started to IM me...Why is it that people only IM me when I'm doing something? So, I felt rude to said individuals...Hum, moving on!
I then got the chance to clean my house and listen to conference talks. Man, I love conference. I love this church. I can't seem to get enough of it, I really wish there was some way of doing Church stuff full time. After that I ran out of time quicker than anticipated so I ate a cup of noodles on my way to exchanges with the Missionaries. Missionaries in Utah have it easy. Everyone was super nice, and wanted to talk to us, we were fed dinner at a drop by appointment. It was posh. I miss being a missionary.
Well, not exactly sure what the point of this blog is. Mostly just to talk to myself...Oh wait, I didn't even talk about DDR!
After I got home from Exchanges I met with my friends, R, S, M and R's little sister, Je. Well, they all wanted to come over to my house and play DDR. Well, I'm not a big fan of DDR but it's alright. I just don't get why everyone likes it so darn much, I mean one of the few games that anyone even knows about. Oh well, some things will remain a mystery to me. Good night never, never land.
Wow, dude. I have like five or six things to say about this. First, I'm so with you on the whole video game thing. Especially DDR. Second, Nice Hook quote. Third, are you from England? Fourth, I think Franco-American makes Spaghetti-O's, not the good Chef. Fifth, Have you noticed that Chef Boyardee looks a whole freakin' lot like Adolph Hitler? It seems people have forgotten that the Italians were Nazis, too, and they're totally still trying to control our minds with their raviolis. Sixth, that was an awesome thing you said about shooting for the stars, man. Friggin' hilarious. Last, you seem cool. That was more than six things. Anyway, we found you now, and you won't be left alone.
Wow, people actually read, and liked the post...I'm amazed. So yeah, I'm not from England Confessor, but I spent a few years there as a child. And due to your comment I did a little further investigation into who makes Spaghetti-O's, and to my dismay and horror I discovered that it was neither The good Chef (who apparently was sacked and sent a-packing with his pans) nor Franco-American, but rather....Campbells. Who would have thought? Apparently someone got bought out. I hadn't noticed that Chef Boyardee was Hitler, but now that you mention it, the mustache is very suspicions. So, having corrected the mistakes in the post...there you go!
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