Singles Awareness Day

>> Sunday, February 13, 2005

I hate singles awareness day.

Everything about it just irks the heck out of me.

Why? Why does this stupid holiday have to exist? I mean, really, why do people need an excuse to parade their dating status to all the world? Does it really matter? I mean, just freaking call it Valentines Day. All that runs through everyone's mind when you say, "Singles Awareness Day" is: "Oh gosh, yet ANOTHER person who is bitter over the fact that they are so inept at courting the opposite sex that you are trying to bring down everyone else that has managed to win the battle of ages and acquire a date for the infamous 14th of Febuary."

I mean, really it's just a clarion call of carelessly concealed envy. You are so entraped in your own bitterness that you fail to realize that it doesn't really matter. So why try to make everyone else depressed/guilty because of your own failings?

So, that is why I hate Singles Awareness Day.

And yes, I am single, so just call it Valentines Day and, "Glory in the success of [your] brethern."


Krista Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 10:59:00 PM MST  

We here at the Board celebraate both, or so I hear. Take your pick, and enjoy it either way.

Jokey Smurf Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 11:12:00 PM MST  

I like Valentine's day. Tomorrow I have to work at the restaurant. I'm actually kinda excited.

Novel Concept Monday, February 14, 2005 at 12:37:00 AM MST  

I too, really like Valentines day, and think it's funny when people call it SAD. It's not like they're not aware that they're single every single other day of the year...why pick couples day to share the misery? You'd think people could pick another day of the year to do it-that way you're not competing with all the mush.

It's also not like complaining about being single is going to get you anywhere...people are still going to be in love, and people are still going to be going out.

Guys, if you can't beat 'em...

Anonymous Monday, February 14, 2005 at 10:02:00 PM MST  

...trample them with a flash mob, with lots of anti-Valentine's Day posters with cupids crossed out and broken hearts and big lonely elephants. Yeah.

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