On Blue-Beta they thought up a list of all the weird quirks about ourselves that our future spouses will have to deal with...and so...here is my list:
1. I like to argue, I argue about everything, I'm occasionally wrong but won't accept that fact until it's been beaten out of me or I'm far enough removed from the event to not have a pride issue with it.
2. I can't stand dishes in the sink, or messes that can be easily cleaned up. And I hate cleaning up after other people who know how to clean.
3. I like video games, and play them. You're going to have to accept that and you don't have to, but I'd love it if you played along.
4. I hate doing laundry, and will only do it when there are NO other clothes.
5. I enjoy movies, an occasional movie will be watched (I mean like...once a week).
6. I like to cook, but it takes a lot out of me, and so more often than not I just throw something together. I love spicy food.
7. My things are my things...I don't share well. But I don't expect you to share with me.
8. I think going through a roll of TP in less than a week to be a waste and will secretly despise you for it.
9. I hate, loahte, compleatly despise cold weather. I would rather die of dehydration in a desert than freeze to death.
10. I hate vacations, I hate leaving my house...until I leave then I love it, you'll have to push to get me out the door.
11. I don't talk about my problems, I don't know how. If you ask me to do it, I'll get frustrated and shell up even more. However I can and do write my feelings down and you may read my journal at any point you want to know how I'm feeling.
12. I hate going to bed before other people, and I love to dream but the time spent in bed is directly purportional to how depressed I am at any given point in time. If I get more than about 8 hours, something is wrong.
13. I secretly want to be Agnostic and will occasionally try to act that way but can't seem to let myself actually be one for long, and I think it one of my greatest flaws in life. You'll need to kick my butt into shape and then help me forgive myself.
14. If you try to bring emotions into something I won't accept it as a valid argument.
15. I love novels but don't try to get me to read an intelligent book.
16. I hate dancing, I hate being in large groups of people that I don't know. I will usually go silent when I'm not happy in these groups...it is not a good sign.
17. I am a recovering compulsive liar...I always had to be the center of attention and kept that attention by lying through my teeth. Still like the attention, but am working on the lying part. Incidentially I don't like about what I am...just what I've done.
18. I love talking in accents and will probably break into accents infront of you.
19. I love making faces in the mirror, singing along with music and eating with ohasi.
20. I don't like beef, and will pick chicken over it anyday...unless you're talking about my Mom's Beef Stew, at which point no food trumps it.