
>> Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jumping the bandwagon...

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Extreme
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


Strange Properties of Snow

As you all know, it snowed Monday. Now, you will note that I have an intense hatred for being cold--which has decreased as of late...ever since my Mom showed me the coat I had forgotten about...ahh wonderful coat you are...I love my coat--this is only intensified if there happens to be snow on the ground, or the air. It gives me a greater desire than is completely holy to get out of said snow and cold and get into something warm.

Well, some of you that have been to my house may know...that I have a rather steep driveway. And by rather I mean it's probably at least a forty five degree angle. For a good 30 feet at least. The one good part about it being cold and snowy is that I can slide down my driveway. A very enjoyable thing. You see the snow melts as your-relatively-warm shoes touch it, causing a very small layer of water which creates an almost frictionless surface which you can use (The effect being called Hydroplaning), in combination with gravity and momentum to propel yourself down said driveway. Kicks, giggles, smiles and laughter ensues.

On Monday morning I had done just such a thing. Well, upon the completion of said trip down the driveway I jumped into my car as to avoid being in the cold air too long. And started driving. Now, in order to get out of said cold fast and get to the really important part of the day-going to history and seeing attractive history girl-I was driving at what could appropriately called an expedient pace.

unfortunately, my car saw my earlier fun with the driveway and decided it would like to do the very same thing.

And so it was, that careening around the bend between 8th N. and University in Orem my car put it's horrible plan into action. The hot tires made contact with the compressed snow of the busy street and made that delightful layer of water which allows one to glide, almost frictionless, across that very narrow road. And thus it was, that I became a horrible participant in my car's unruly actions, in an attempt to correct his misguided efforts I turned my wheels and applied the breaks, but to no avail he was having his hay-day and would have none of my correction.

That is until George stepped in and put an abrupt stop to the fun. George of course...is the wall on the southwest side of the road. He met Gusto's (my car) front bumper and ripped it to pieces, which caused a haphazard twist and plummet into the brush on the northeast side of that road, which thankfully enough was about the time that Gusto had run out of momentum. And I came to an abrupt stop.

Getting out and surveying the damage that George and Gusto's fight had caused I realized the Gusto had most certainly come off the worse in the bargain. My bumper is gone, or at least...bent at a rather grotesque angle which strangely pointed to the sky above, the ground beneath and forward all at once. And so bending it back into some semblance of natural form, I drove home shaking my foot pulsing on the pedal and promptly set up my computer and wasted the day away playing Sims 2. Reality just needed to be gone for a bit.



The Girl of My Dreams

>> Thursday, November 24, 2005

Have you ever seen THE ONE? As you listen to her talk she exudes something that makes her simply glow. Her enthusiasm for life, the gospel, her career, and everything of good report that comes within twenty miles of her train of thought overpowers even the darkest moments and leaves you breathless waiting for the next radiant beam of light to hit you?

Not only does she have that personality that blows your socks off and leaves you hungry for more, but she also has a body that puts Aphrodite and Venus to shame. You know the girl I'm talking about? The one who everyone is secretly in love with because she is amazing in every possible way? I found one of those today.

And I hate it. I hate it beyond all possible measure of thought, I know that no matter how hard I try I will never be an equal for that yoke. Push, prod, cajole all I want, I will never get my tongue, thoughts, and body in line enough to rise to such a seraphic state. So instead I will continue to dream that sad, lonely dream where I am the kind of guy she would be interested in, my 6.5 looks have turned into an Adonis-like 9.5, my wit an study in precise incision, my honor unimpeachable, my kindness the highest benevolence, my love-magnanimous. Yes, that is the dream that I will dream tonight.

And I shall be thankful for it while clinging ever more tightly to the hope, someday I might actually get there. Yes, thank you--LORD--for hope.



Fringe Walking

>> Thursday, November 17, 2005

I love fringe walking.

What is fring walking you ask? I'll tell you, fringe walking is when you are in a large group of people walking in two different directions at the same time. If you don't want to go the same speed as everyone else you have to walk on the fringe.

There is an art to walking on the fringe, I've seen people try...and I've seen them fail horribly and every now and again you see an expert, someone who just seems to leap forward ahead of the crowd. They are graceful, amazing and throughly entrancing to watch. And if I say so myself, I'm one of the best of 'em.

I weave, and dip and dash and dart. No one can come in my way as I run through the middle of the crowd, the edge of the people going my way the edge of the people going the opposite, one wrong step and I could land myself some serious bruises as I get myself trampled by hundreds of eager students on their way to class. But I've never fallen, never been hit hard enough to send me reeling, bouncing back and forth between the relentless hoards of people all keeping a careful foot apart from each other to the front and back and four inches to either side.

It's those four inches that I work, four to one side, four on the other, you can push people to give you an extra eight inches, totally 12, just enough to push your way through. And I love doing it. It makes me feel alive, knowing I'm that close to death...I can't wait for tomorrow...when I can run the fringes again.



On Blue-Beta they thought up a list of all the weird quirks about ourselves that our future spouses will have to deal with...and so...here is my list:

1. I like to argue, I argue about everything, I'm occasionally wrong but won't accept that fact until it's been beaten out of me or I'm far enough removed from the event to not have a pride issue with it.

2. I can't stand dishes in the sink, or messes that can be easily cleaned up. And I hate cleaning up after other people who know how to clean.

3. I like video games, and play them. You're going to have to accept that and you don't have to, but I'd love it if you played along.

4. I hate doing laundry, and will only do it when there are NO other clothes.

5. I enjoy movies, an occasional movie will be watched (I mean like...once a week).

6. I like to cook, but it takes a lot out of me, and so more often than not I just throw something together. I love spicy food.

7. My things are my things...I don't share well. But I don't expect you to share with me.

8. I think going through a roll of TP in less than a week to be a waste and will secretly despise you for it.

9. I hate, loahte, compleatly despise cold weather. I would rather die of dehydration in a desert than freeze to death.

10. I hate vacations, I hate leaving my house...until I leave then I love it, you'll have to push to get me out the door.

11. I don't talk about my problems, I don't know how. If you ask me to do it, I'll get frustrated and shell up even more. However I can and do write my feelings down and you may read my journal at any point you want to know how I'm feeling.

12. I hate going to bed before other people, and I love to dream but the time spent in bed is directly purportional to how depressed I am at any given point in time. If I get more than about 8 hours, something is wrong.

13. I secretly want to be Agnostic and will occasionally try to act that way but can't seem to let myself actually be one for long, and I think it one of my greatest flaws in life. You'll need to kick my butt into shape and then help me forgive myself.

14. If you try to bring emotions into something I won't accept it as a valid argument.

15. I love novels but don't try to get me to read an intelligent book.

16. I hate dancing, I hate being in large groups of people that I don't know. I will usually go silent when I'm not happy in these groups...it is not a good sign.

17. I am a recovering compulsive liar...I always had to be the center of attention and kept that attention by lying through my teeth. Still like the attention, but am working on the lying part. Incidentially I don't like about what I am...just what I've done.

18. I love talking in accents and will probably break into accents infront of you.

19. I love making faces in the mirror, singing along with music and eating with ohasi.

20. I don't like beef, and will pick chicken over it anyday...unless you're talking about my Mom's Beef Stew, at which point no food trumps it.


I've Fallen

>> Monday, November 14, 2005

I've fallen.

I'm not sure that I want to stand up.

Tonight I watched Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. I LOVE that movie. It is so increadibly amazing. I feel like Anakin sometimes, but then I realize that I have never had the sort of passion that he displays in every instant, that is right up until the end when his heart breaks and he is filled only with anger...and even then he has more passion than I do.

I'm reminded of a movie: "All that anger is going to burn you up someday." "It keeps me warm." Points to whomever can name the movie. I should watch that again.

I've been running for quite some time now, running from a 55 year old man with a stigmatism in a suit. I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want to have to see him. I didn't want to talk about it. But I got trapped into, I wasn't going to go, I wasn't going to tell the truth, I wasn't going to try again.

God have mercy on my soul, it's going to need it.

-(Asmond's real name here)



>> Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I just thought I'd take a moment and post on all of the wonderful things that happened this past Monday. First off, my favorite constumes:

1. The Storm Trooper
2. The Authentic WWI soldier
3. The grown up man wearing a Tigger costume
4. The Storm Trooper, again, man that kid was freaking awesome.

Second, I got to watch Gremlins, I think it's for the first time ever...because I don't remember hardly any of it, I must have only watched Gremlins 2. And to make this complete, I must quote:

"It happened when I was 8, one christmas eve my Mom and I were hanging tinsel on the tree, waiting for my Dad to come home. It got later, and later, and he didn't come home. So we started a search party out looking for him, it was horrible, we couldn't stop crying. We waited four or five days, but no sign of him, and the house was freezing. So I went to light a fire, that's when I noticed the smell. So we called the fire department. We were expecting a cat or a bird or something, but when they broke into the chimney they found my Dad. He had been climbing down the chimney presents in both arms and slipped and fell, he died instantly. And that's when I found out there was no santa claus."

Ahh, wonderful. It was simply splendid.


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